Bank slip Checking
We allow checking bank slips generated from different filters to facilitate collection management.
Obtain details of the bank slip using our number field
This functionality allows retrieving a bank slip using Our Number NossoNumero.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
NossoNumero | Our bank slip number | integer | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | Bank slip identifier | string | No |
nossoNumero | Our bank slip number | integer | Yes |
seuNumero | Your bank slip number | string | Yes |
valor | Bank slip amount | number<double> | Yes |
valorPago | Amount paid for the bank slip by the drawee (paying user) in the banking network | number<double> | Yes |
valorLiquidado | Settled amount of the bank slip. Refers to the credit to the account after clearing the bank slip | number<double> | Yes |
carteira | Wallet data, we inform: description and code. Refers to the wallet/portfolio to which the client belongs | object | Yes |
movimento | Date of financial transaction of the bank slip, that is, when there was clearing | date-time | Yes |
vencimento | Due date defined for the bank slip | date-time | Yes |
emissao | Bank slip issuance date | date-time | Yes |
notificacaoPagamento | Date of notification of bank slip payment via webhook | date-time | Yes |
pagamento | Bank slip payment date | date-time | Yes |
cancelamento | Bank slip cancellation date | date-time | Yes |
sacado | Drawee is the one who pays the bank slip (usually, the client). We provide email, telephone, CPF/CNPJ, name and address | object | Yes |
sacadorAvalista | Data of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address) | object | Yes |
codigoBarras | Bank slip barcode | string | Yes |
linhaDigitavel | Barcode´s sequence of numerical digits | string | Sim |
registrado | Indicates whether the bank slip is registered with the CIP. True or False. | boolean | No |
mensagem | Messages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slip | objetc | Yes |
desconto | Discount defined for the bank slip (percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limit) | object | Yes |
multa | Fine defined for the bank slip (amount, date from which it will be charged and percentage) | object | Yes |
status | Bank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status] | integer | No |
naturezaDaOperacaoDePagamento | Nature of payment code, see table [Nature of payment] | integer | No |
bancoPagamento | Bank where the payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
agenciaPagamento | Branch where payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
canalPagamento | Channel (Internet banking, mobile banking, ATM or branch) where the payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
dataLimitePagamento | Deadline defined for payment of the bank slip | date-time | Yes |
beneficiarioFinal | Owner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges (company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ) | object | Yes |
Obter detalhe do boleto pelo campo nosso numero
Obtain details of the bank slip by identification code
This functionality retrieves a bank slip using the identification code.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
boletoId | Bank slip identification code | string | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | Bank slip identifier | string | No |
nossoNumero | Our bank slip number | integer | Yes |
seuNumero | Your bank slip number | string | Yes |
valor | Bank slip amount | number<double> | Yes |
valorPago | Amount paid for the bank slip by the drawee (paying user) in the banking network | number<double> | Yes |
valorLiquidado | Settled amount of the bank slip. Refers to the credit to the account after clearing the bank slip | number<double> | Yes |
carteira | Wallet details (description and code) | object | Yes |
Yes | Transaction date | date-time | Yes |
vencimento | Due date defined for the bank slip | date-time | Yes |
Yes | Bank slip issuance date | date-time | Yes |
notificacaoPagamento | Date of notification of bank slip payment via webhook | date-time | Yes |
Sim | Bank slip payment date | date-time | Yes |
cancelamento | Bank slip cancellation date | date-time | Yes |
sacado | Drawee is the one who pays the bank slip (usually, the client). We provide email, telephone, CPF/CNPJ, name and address | object | Yes |
sacadorAvalista | Data of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address) | object | Yes |
codigoBarras | Bank slip barcode | string | Yes |
linhaDigitavel | Barcode´s sequence of numerical digits | string | Yes |
registrado | Indicates whether the bank slip is registered with the CIP. True or false | boolean | No |
mensagem | Messages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slip | objetc | Yes |
desconto | Discount defined for the bank slip (percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limit) | object | Yes |
multa | Fine defined for the bank slip (amount, date from which it will be charged and percentage) | object | Yes |
status | Bank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status] | integer | No |
naturezaDaOperacaoDePagamento | Nature of payment code, see table [Nature of payment] | integer | Yes |
bancoPagamento | Bank where the payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
agenciaPagamento | Branch where payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
canalPagamento | Channel (Internet banking, mobile banking, ATM or branch) where the payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
dataLimitePagamento | Deadline defined for payment of the bank slip | date-time | Yes |
beneficiarioFinal | Owner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges (company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ) | object | Yes |
Obter detalhe do boleto pelo código de identificação
Searching for bank slips generated from a series of filters
This functionality allows searching for a bank slip using filters.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
emissaoInicial | Initial date for issuing the bank slip | date-time | No |
emissaoFinal | Final date for issuing the bank slip | date-time | No |
vencimentoInicial | Initial due date defined for the bank slip | date-time | No |
vencimentoFinal | Final due date defined for the bank slip | date-time | No |
status | Bank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status] | integer | Yes |
documentoSacado | CPF/CNPJ of the drawee (i.e., the paying user) | string | No |
canal | Nickname to identify the beneficiary | string | No |
nossoNumero | Our bank slip number | integer | No |
seuNumero | Your bank slip number | string | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | Bank slip identifier | string | No |
nossoNumero | Our bank slip number | integer | Yes |
seuNumero | Your bank slip number | string | Yes |
valor | Bank slip amount | number<double> | Yes |
valorLiquidado | Settled amount of the bank slip. Refers to the credit to the account after clearing the bank slip | number<double> | Yes |
vencimento | Due date defined for the bank slip | date-time | Yes |
emissao | Bank slip issuance date | date-time | Yes |
notificacaoPagamento | Date of notification of bank slip payment | date-time | Yes |
pagamento | Bank slip payment date | date-time | Yes |
cancelamento | Bank slip cancellation date | date-time | Yes |
nomeSacado | Name of the drawee, who is the payer of the bank slip | string | Yes |
codigoBarras | Bank slip barcode | string | Sim |
linhaDigitavel | Barcode´s sequence of numerical digits | string | Yes |
status | Bank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status] | integer | No |
bancoPagamento | Bank where the payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
agenciaPagamento | Branch where payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
canalPagamento | Channel (Internet banking, mobile banking, ATM or branch) where the payment was made by the paying user | integer | Yes |
dataLimitePagamento | Deadline defined for payment of the bank slip | date-time | Yes |
sacadoAvalista | Data of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address) | object | Yes |
beneficiarioFinal | Owner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges (company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ) | object | Yes |
Realizar a busca de boletos gerados a partir de uma série de filtros
Bank slip status
The bank slip may have the following statuses:
Enumeration | Description |
1 | Open |
2 | Overdue |
3 | Canceled |
4 | Paid |
Nature of payment
The bank slip may have the following natures:
Enumeração | Description |
0 | Error |
1 | Cash write-ff |
2 | Normal write-off |
3 | Wallet Transfer |
4 | Registry Office |
5 | Protested bill write-off |
6 | Correspondent |
7 | Electronic Clearing |
8 | Conventional Clearing |
9 | Credit Transfer |
10 | Advance Payment |
11 | Doc Write-off |
12 | Ted Write-off |
99 | Open |
Updated 18 days ago