Bank slip Checking

We allow checking bank slips generated from different filters to facilitate collection management.

Obtain details of the bank slip using our number field

This functionality allows retrieving a bank slip using Our Number NossoNumero.

We request the fields:

NossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerYes


idBank slip identifierstringNo
nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerYes
seuNumeroYour bank slip numberstringYes
valorBank slip amountnumber<double>Yes
valorPagoAmount paid for the bank slip by the drawee (paying user) in the banking networknumber<double>Yes
valorLiquidadoSettled amount of the bank slip. Refers to the credit to the account after clearing the bank slipnumber<double>Yes
carteiraWallet data, we inform: description and code. Refers to the wallet/portfolio to which the client belongsobjectYes
movimentoDate of financial transaction of the bank slip, that is, when there was clearingdate-timeYes
vencimentoDue date defined for the bank slipdate-timeYes
emissaoBank slip issuance datedate-timeYes
notificacaoPagamentoDate of notification of bank slip payment via webhookdate-timeYes
pagamentoBank slip payment datedate-timeYes
cancelamentoBank slip cancellation datedate-timeYes
sacadoDrawee is the one who pays the bank slip (usually, the client). We provide email, telephone, CPF/CNPJ, name and addressobjectYes
sacadorAvalistaData of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address)objectYes
codigoBarrasBank slip barcodestringYes
linhaDigitavelBarcode´s sequence of numerical digitsstringSim
registradoIndicates whether the bank slip is registered with the CIP. True or False.booleanNo
mensagemMessages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slipobjetcYes
descontoDiscount defined for the bank slip (percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limit)objectYes
multaFine defined for the bank slip (amount, date from which it will be charged and percentage)objectYes
statusBank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status]integerNo
naturezaDaOperacaoDePagamentoNature of payment code, see table [Nature of payment]integerNo
bancoPagamentoBank where the payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
agenciaPagamentoBranch where payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
canalPagamentoChannel (Internet banking, mobile banking, ATM or branch) where the payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
dataLimitePagamentoDeadline defined for payment of the bank slipdate-timeYes
beneficiarioFinalOwner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges (company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ)objectYes

Obter detalhe do boleto pelo campo nosso numero

Obtain details of the bank slip by identification code

This functionality retrieves a bank slip using the identification code.

We request the fields:

boletoIdBank slip identification codestringYes


idBank slip identifierstringNo
nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerYes
seuNumeroYour bank slip numberstringYes
valorBank slip amountnumber<double>Yes
valorPagoAmount paid for the bank slip by the drawee (paying user) in the banking networknumber<double>Yes
valorLiquidadoSettled amount of the bank slip. Refers to the credit to the account after clearing the bank slipnumber<double>Yes
carteiraWallet details (description and code)objectYes
YesTransaction datedate-timeYes
vencimentoDue date defined for the bank slipdate-timeYes
YesBank slip issuance datedate-timeYes
notificacaoPagamentoDate of notification of bank slip payment via webhookdate-timeYes
SimBank slip payment datedate-timeYes
cancelamentoBank slip cancellation datedate-timeYes
sacadoDrawee is the one who pays the bank slip (usually, the client). We provide email, telephone, CPF/CNPJ, name and addressobjectYes
sacadorAvalistaData of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address)objectYes
codigoBarrasBank slip barcodestringYes
linhaDigitavelBarcode´s sequence of numerical digitsstringYes
registradoIndicates whether the bank slip is registered with the CIP. True or falsebooleanNo
mensagemMessages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slipobjetcYes
descontoDiscount defined for the bank slip (percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limit)objectYes
multaFine defined for the bank slip (amount, date from which it will be charged and percentage)objectYes
statusBank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status]integerNo
naturezaDaOperacaoDePagamentoNature of payment code, see table [Nature of payment]integerYes
bancoPagamentoBank where the payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
agenciaPagamentoBranch where payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
canalPagamentoChannel (Internet banking, mobile banking, ATM or branch) where the payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
dataLimitePagamentoDeadline defined for payment of the bank slipdate-timeYes
beneficiarioFinalOwner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges (company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ)objectYes

Obter detalhe do boleto pelo código de identificação

Searching for bank slips generated from a series of filters

This functionality allows searching for a bank slip using filters.

We request the fields:

emissaoInicialInitial date for issuing the bank slipdate-timeNo
emissaoFinalFinal date for issuing the bank slipdate-timeNo
vencimentoInicialInitial due date defined for the bank slipdate-timeNo
vencimentoFinalFinal due date defined for the bank slipdate-timeNo
statusBank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status]integerYes
documentoSacadoCPF/CNPJ of the drawee (i.e., the paying user)stringNo
canalNickname to identify the beneficiarystringNo
nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerNo
seuNumeroYour bank slip numberstringNo


idBank slip identifierstringNo
nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerYes
seuNumeroYour bank slip numberstringYes
valorBank slip amountnumber<double>Yes
valorLiquidadoSettled amount of the bank slip. Refers to the credit to the account after clearing the bank slipnumber<double>Yes
vencimentoDue date defined for the bank slipdate-timeYes
emissaoBank slip issuance datedate-timeYes
notificacaoPagamentoDate of notification of bank slip paymentdate-timeYes
pagamentoBank slip payment datedate-timeYes
cancelamentoBank slip cancellation datedate-timeYes
nomeSacadoName of the drawee, who is the payer of the bank slipstringYes
codigoBarrasBank slip barcodestringSim
linhaDigitavelBarcode´s sequence of numerical digitsstringYes
statusBank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status]integerNo
bancoPagamentoBank where the payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
agenciaPagamentoBranch where payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
canalPagamentoChannel (Internet banking, mobile banking, ATM or branch) where the payment was made by the paying userintegerYes
dataLimitePagamentoDeadline defined for payment of the bank slipdate-timeYes
sacadoAvalistaData of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address)objectYes
beneficiarioFinalOwner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges (company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ)objectYes

Realizar a busca de boletos gerados a partir de uma série de filtros

Bank slip status

The bank slip may have the following statuses:


Nature of payment

The bank slip may have the following natures:

1Cash write-ff
2Normal write-off
3Wallet Transfer
4Registry Office
5Protested bill write-off
7Electronic Clearing
8Conventional Clearing
9Credit Transfer
10Advance Payment
11Doc Write-off
12Ted Write-off