Frequently asked questions
We have listed some questions and answered them below, as they may help you:
Is it possible for us to customize the logo that appears on the bank slip?
On the endpoint Emitir e registrar boleto na CIP we send a json with the bank slip data, and you can develop the bank slip model you want in your application.
Is there a field for canceling the bank slip with a scheduled date?
Yes, in the API Emitir e registrar boleto na CIP we have the dataLimitePagamento - Payment Deadline - field that allows defining a deadline for payment.
Can the bank slip be paid after the due date if it does not have fines and interest?
Yes, the bank slip can be paid within 60 days after the due date, if the bank slip is not requested to be written off.
Webhook is sent until it receives a 200 response. If the response is different from that, what is the resending pattern?
We made several attempts over a period of time. If we are unsuccessful within this period, we will terminate the notification. The period and number of attempts depend on the webhook.
Is it possible to register a date for fines and interest before the due date?
No, it is not possible. The date for charging a fine only occurs after the due date.
What do paid amount and settled amount mean?
- Paid amount: is the amount paid by the drawee on the paying bank's platform and which will appear on your receipt. This will not necessarily be the amount settled, as the final amount sent via COMPE by the receiving bank may undergo some adjustments (interest, fine, etc.);
- Settled amount: This field is filled in when the amount has been financially settled, that is, the amount referring to the bank slip is already available on the client's bank statement.
How long does it take to clear a bank slip?
The time for clearing is up to 3 business days after payment of the bank slip. Bank slip settlement takes place in the early hours of the morning. If by chance it is not cleared by 6am, the bank slip will be cleared the following day.
How does webhook registration work?
The webhook is a service provided by Banco BS2 in which we forward bank slip updates via HTTP POST.
To send the data we need you to provide us with a URL to receive our calls. If you wish to have authentication in your URL, we can send basic auth or bearer token.
To register the webhook, contact your sales representative. Soon, we will provide routes for webhook registration.
See more at Webhook - notificações de boletos
My client has proof of payment, but the bank slip does not yet appear as settled. What to do?
Even if the client has proof, there is a validation process with the CIP, which is the regulatory body for Bank slip processing.
In some cases where payment is made, validation may occur with the CIP, in which the amount paid is charged back to the drawee and, therefore, the bank slip will not be settled.
The CIP is responsible for this flow. It is necessary for the drawee to evaluate what happened with the bank where the payment was made.
There is an accepted field - aceite - that can be sent when issuing a bank slip. What is this field? What happens if we send it as Yes?
The Accepted - aceite - field indicates whether the drawee (payer of the bank slip) recognizes the bank slip as his/hers.
Note: The default is to use No in this field, as, in this case, authorization from the drawee is not required to protest the bill. If you choose Yes, the beneficiary (whoever issues the bank slip) will need some document from the drawer acknowledging the debt in order to protest the bill.
How do the payment deadline - dataLimitePagamento - and due date - vencimento - fields work?
The date entered in the due date - vencimento - field indicates the date on which the bank slip will be due. After the due date, the bank slip will still be available for payment for 60 days if the dataLimitePagamento - Payment Deadline - field is not defined.
To ensure that the bank slip is not paid after the defined due date, simply enter the same date entered in the dataLimitePagamento - due date - field in the payment deadline field.
Why didn't I receive payment notification on the bank slip webhook?
Some banking institutions do not forward payment notification to Banco BS2, such as: Banco Inter, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banestes, Banco do Brasil, among others.
What is the Client identification – ClienteId - field used for when issuing a bank slip?
The clienteId (GUID) - client identification field - is returned in the bank slip issuance response. After the first bank slip created, it is possible to use the same client identification - clienteId - generated to issue the next bank slips, without having to provide all the client data again.
Who is the final beneficiary?
The owner of the product and/or service offered who will receive the bank slip amount at the end of the process. If you receive the amount and then pass it on to your client/partner, you are a payment intermediary.
How to fill in this new field?
We created a new route for issuing bank slips with the addition of the final beneficiary - beneficiarioFinal - field. Just change the URL and add this field to the request. Remembering that there is NO need to generate new API keys to use this new route.
I am not an intermediary. What should I do?
The final beneficiary is optional. If you are not an intermediary, you do not need to fill in this field.
Updated about 1 month ago