Using the collection information generated in the functionalities below, the client can generate a QR CODE through own automation, which, when read, will retrieve the payment data.
The two-dimensional barcode QR Code must be generated following the Brazil Central Bank specifications (<>).
Collection with due date - Create collection
This functionality allows generating a collection for payment at a future date. In addition to the collection amount, it is also possible to configure interest, fines and discounts.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
calendario | Due date and the validity date after expiration (optional, default 30 days) | object | Yes |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed. Not necessarily the final payer | object | No |
loc | Payload location identification | integer | No |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | Yes |
chave | PIX key for generating the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
calendario | Collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
txId | Collection transaction identification | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment. | integer | No |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
recebedor | Data of the bank slip receiver, who is the BS2 client | object | No |
loc | Payload location identification | object | No |
status | Collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key used to generate the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Cobrança com vencimento - Criar cobrança
Collection with due date - Review
This functionality allows changing a previously created collection for payment on a future date.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
calendario | Due date and validity date after expiration (the latter is optional) | object | Yes |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed. Not necessarily the final payer | object | No |
loc | Payload location identification | object | Yes |
status | Collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | Yes |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | Yes |
chave | Pix key for generating the collection | string | No |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
calendario | Displays the collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment. | integer | No |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
recebedor | Data of the bank slip receiver, who is the BS2 client | object | No |
loc | Payload location identification | object | No |
status | Displays the collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
valor | Displays the collection amounts, which are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key used to generate the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Cobrança com vencimento - Revisar
Collection - Create collection
This functionality allows generating an immediate payment collection.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
calendario | Expiration date in seconds from the time the collection is issued. Once the collection has expired, it cannot be paid | object | Yes |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed. Not necessarily the final payer | object | Yes |
valor | Requests the collection amounts and the type of change (If equal to 0, the original amount is assumed, and equal to 1 the user can change the amount) | object | Yes |
chave | Pix key for generating the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
calendario | Collection creation and expiration date | object | No |
status | Displays the collection status according to table [Collection Status] | string | No |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed | integer | No |
location | Location of the payload to be informed when creating the collection | string | Yes |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed. Not necessarily the final payer | object | No |
valor | Collection amount | object | No |
chave | Pix key used to generate the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Collection - Review
This functionality allows changing an immediate payment collection.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
calendario | Requests due date and validity date after expiration (the latter is optional) | object | Yes |
devedor | Requests data from the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed. Not necessarily the final payer | object | No |
loc | Payload location identification | object | Yes |
status | Collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | Yes |
valor | Requests the collection amounts, which are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | Yes |
chave | Pix key for generating the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
calendario | Displays the collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | Yes |
status | Displays the status of the collection, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | No |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment. | integer | No |
location | Location of the payload to be informed when creating the collection detail what it is | string | Yes |
devedor | Displays data on the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
valor | Displays the collection amounts, which are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key used to generate the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Collection - Create by Transaction Id
This functionality allows generating a collection for immediate payment.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
calendario | Requests due date and validity date after expiration (the latter is optional) | object | Yes |
devedor | Requests data from the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed. Not necessarily the final payer | object | Yes |
valor | Requests the collection amounts, which are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | Yes |
chave | Pix key for generating the collection | string | Sim |
solicitacaoPagador | Requests message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
calendario | Displays the collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
status | Displays the collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment | integer | No |
location | Location of the payload to be informed when creating the collection | string | Yes |
devedor | Displays data on the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
valor | Displays the collection amounts, which are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key used to generate the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | Yes |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Cobrança - Criar por Id da transação
Collection - Check by TxId
This functionality allows checking a specific collection based on the identification created by the client when generating the collection.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment. | integer | No |
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
calendario | Displays the collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
status | Displays the collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
location | Location of the payload to be informed when creating the collection | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment. | integer | No |
devedor | Displays data on the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
valor | Displays the collection amounts, which are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key used to generate the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Displays the text to be presented to the payer, if defined | string | Yes |
infoAdicionais | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | Array | Yes |
pix | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Collection - Check list of collections
This functionality allows recovering one or more collections generated from some parameters.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
Inicio | Start of desired search period | string | Yes |
Fim | End of desired search period | string | Yes |
CPF | If you wish to filter by document, the payer's CPF cannot be used with the CNPJ field | string | No |
CNPJ | If you wish to filter by document, the payer's CNPJ cannot be used with the CPF field | string | No |
Status | Collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
inicio | Informed start date | object | No |
fim | Informed end date | string | No |
cpf | Payer's CPF | string | Yes |
cnpj | Payer's CNPJ | string | Yes |
calendario | Collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
status | Collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
txId | Unique identifier that allows the receiver to identify the collection | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment | integer | No |
location | Location of the payload to be informed when creating the collection | string | Yes |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key used to generate the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | Yes |
pix | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Cobrança - Consultar lista de cobranças
Collection status
The table below shows the collection status:
Field | Description |
ATIVA | The collection is ready for payment |
CONCLUIDA | The collection was paid |
REMOVIDA_PELO_USUARIO_RECEBEDOR | The collection was canceled by the user |
REMOVIDA_PELO_PSP | The collection was canceled by Banco BS2 |
Updated about 11 hours ago