Issuance and registration of the bank slip with the CIP
This functionality handles data for creating and registering bank slips with the CIP.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
seuNumero | Bank slip number chosen by the client. If not provided, we automatically generate this number | string | No |
beneficiarioFinal | Owner of the product and/or service offered and which will be credited for the charges, we request you to inform: company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ | object | No |
cliente | Details of the bank slip payer. We accept a client identification clienteId for clients who have already had a bank slip issued or new client data for registration and generation of a client identification clienteId | object | Yes |
sacadorAvalista | Data of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip, we request providing the CPF/CNPJ, name and address | object | No |
vencimento | Due date of the bank slip, which must be greater than or equal to the current date | date-time | Yes |
valor | Original collection amount | number <double> | Yes |
multa | Fine that will be applied to the bank slip; We request informing: the amount, date from which it will be charged and the percentage | object | No |
desconto | Discount that can be applied to the bank slip; We request informing: the percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limit | object | No |
mensagem | Messages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slip | objetc | No |
aceite | Field for defining bank slip acceptance in cases of protest. By default we send 'false' | boolean | No |
especie | Code to identify the type of payment bill for collection | string | No |
dataLimitePagamento | Deadline for bank slip payment | date-time | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | Bank slip identifier | string | No |
sacado | Drawee is the one who pays the bank slip (usually, the client). We inform email, telephone, CPF/CNPJ, name and address | number <double> | Yes |
status | Bank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status] | integer | No |
nossoNumero | Our bank slip number | integer | Yes |
codigoDeBarra | Bank slip barcode | string | Yes |
linhaDigitavel | Barcode´s sequence of numerical digits | string | Yes |
beneficiarioFinal | Owner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges; We request informing: the company name, business name and CPF/CNPJ | object | Yes |
seuNumero | Your bank slip number. In case it has not been informed, we will send the automatically generated number | string | No |
clienteId | Identification number of the client who will pay the bank slip | string | No |
sacadorAvalista | Data of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address) | object | No |
vencimento | Due date defined for the bank slip | date-time | Yes |
valor | Defined amount for the bank slip | number<double> | No |
multa | Defined fine that will be applied to the bank slip (amount, date from which it will be charged and percentage) | object | Yes |
desconto | Defined discount that can be applied to the bank slip (percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limit) | object | Yes |
mensagem | Defined messages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slip | objetc | Yes |
aceite | Field for defining bank slip acceptance in cases of protest | boolean | Yes |
especie | Code to identify the type of payment bill for collection | string | Yes |
Emitir e registrar boleto na CIP
Bank slip status
The bank slip may have the following statuses:
Enumeration | Description |
1 | Open |
2 | Overdue |
3 | Canceled |
4 | Paid |
Updated 14 days ago