Issuance and registration of the bank slip with the CIP

This functionality handles data for creating and registering bank slips with the CIP.

We request the fields:

seuNumeroBank slip number chosen by the client. If not provided, we automatically generate this numberstringNo
beneficiarioFinalOwner of the product and/or service offered and which will be credited for the charges, we request you to inform: company name, business name and CPF/CNPJobjectNo
clienteDetails of the bank slip payer. We accept a client identification clienteId for clients who have already had a bank slip issued or new client data for registration and generation of a client identification clienteIdobjectYes
sacadorAvalistaData of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip, we request providing the CPF/CNPJ, name and addressobjectNo
vencimentoDue date of the bank slip, which must be greater than or equal to the current datedate-timeYes
valorOriginal collection amountnumber <double>Yes
multaFine that will be applied to the bank slip; We request informing: the amount, date from which it will be charged and the percentageobjectNo
descontoDiscount that can be applied to the bank slip; We request informing: the percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limitobjectNo
mensagemMessages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slipobjetcNo
aceiteField for defining bank slip acceptance in cases of protest. By default we send 'false'booleanNo
especieCode to identify the type of payment bill for collectionstringNo
dataLimitePagamentoDeadline for bank slip paymentdate-timeNo


idBank slip identifierstringNo
sacadoDrawee is the one who pays the bank slip (usually, the client). We inform email, telephone, CPF/CNPJ, name and addressnumber <double>Yes
statusBank slip status code, see table [Bank Slip Status]integerNo
nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerYes
codigoDeBarraBank slip barcodestringYes
linhaDigitavelBarcode´s sequence of numerical digitsstringYes
beneficiarioFinalOwner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited for the charges; We request informing: the company name, business name and CPF/CNPJobjectYes
seuNumeroYour bank slip number. In case it has not been informed, we will send the automatically generated numberstringNo
clienteIdIdentification number of the client who will pay the bank slipstringNo
sacadorAvalistaData of the individual or legal entity who will receive the amount paid through the bank slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address)objectNo
vencimentoDue date defined for the bank slipdate-timeYes
valorDefined amount for the bank slipnumber<double>No
multaDefined fine that will be applied to the bank slip (amount, date from which it will be charged and percentage)objectYes
descontoDefined discount that can be applied to the bank slip (percentage, fixed amount, daily amount or by limit)objectYes
mensagemDefined messages referring to lines 1, 2 3 and 4 of the bank slipobjetcYes
aceiteField for defining bank slip acceptance in cases of protestbooleanYes
especieCode to identify the type of payment bill for collectionstringYes

Emitir e registrar boleto na CIP

Bank slip status

The bank slip may have the following statuses:
