
In the context of Pix, the user who receives a payment via Pix can return the full or partial amount of the transaction at will, as long as it has not exceeded 90 days from the date of the original transaction.

Therefore, we provide the functionalities below that allow our clients to carry out this type of transaction.transação.

Request a return

This operation allows requesting the return of an amount received. The return can be partial or total. As many returns as necessary can be created until the total amount returned is equivalent to the total amount received.

We request the fields:

e2eidUnique identifier of the original receiptstringYes
idExternoClient-generated transaction identifier for reconciliation purposesstringYes
valorAmount that will be returnednumber <double>Yes


idClient-generated transaction identifier for reconciliation purposesstringYes
rtrIdReturn transaction identifierstringYes
valorReturn amountnumber <double>No
horarioReturn request and settlement timesobjectYes
statusDisplays the status of the return, see table [Return Status]stringNo

Devolução - Solicitar

Checking a return

This functionality allows checking a requested return.

We request the fields:

e2eidUnique identifier of the original receiptstringYes
stringClient-generated transaction identifier for reconciliation purposesstringYes


idClient-generated transaction identifier for reconciliation purposesstringYes
rtrIdReturn transaction identifierstringYes
valorReturn amountnumber <double>No
horarioReturn request and settlement timesobjectYes
statusDisplays the status of the return, see table [Return Status]stringNo

Devolução - Consultar

Receipt - Check by e2eid

This functionality allows checking a receipt using EndToEnd, which contains a section with information on returns linked to the receipt, if any.

We request the field:

e2eidUnique identifier of the original receiptstringYes


endToEndIdUnique identifier of the original receiptstringYes
txidTransaction identifierstringYes
valorPix transaction amountnumber <double>Yes
horarioDisplays the Pix transaction processing timedate-timeNo
pagadorDisplays the CPF/CNPJ and the name of the payerobjectYes
infoPagadorDisplays payer informationstringYes
devolucoesDisplays return information, if there was any associated with the receiptArrayYes

Recebimento - Consultar por e2eid

Receipt - Check

This functionality allows checking a receipt through several filters, which contains a section with returns information linked to the receipt, if any.

We request the fields:

InicioCheck start datedate-timeYes
FimCheck end datedate-timeYes
TxIdTransaction identifierstringNo
CPFPayer's CPF (should not be used at the same time as the CNPJ field)stringNo
CNPJPayer's CNPJ (should not be used at the same time as the CPF field)stringNo


pixResponse with Pix transaction data (EndToEnd, txId, amount, payer data, receiver data, payer and receiver account data, status, Pix key and return data linked to receipt, if any.arrayYes

Recebimento - Consultar

Return status

The return status has the following reasons:

EM_PROCESSAMENTOThe return request is being processed
DEVOLVIDOReturn successfully completed
NAO_REALIZADOReturn was not successful