Infraction notification
In the context of PIX, an infraction notification is an official communication sent by a PIX participant to inform another participant about a well-founded suspicion of fraud.
The infraction notification can be created for a return request (reported by the payer) or for a return cancellation (reported by the recipient of the original transaction).
When an institution receives an infraction notification, it is required to investigate the issue and respond to the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN) within the established timeframe, as per the guidelines of the DICT Operational Manual, available on the official BACEN site.
Through the functionalities below, the indirect participant will be able to create, consult, close, and cancel an infraction report.
Creation of Infraction Notification
This functionality allows the creation of an infraction notification for a return request or for the cancellation of a return.
Cria uma notificação de infração.
List of Infraction Notifications
In this functionality, the indirect participant can obtain the list of reported infraction notifications in which they are involved.
Obtém lista de notificações de infração em que o participante é parte.
Consultar notificação de infração
Nesta funcionalidade, o participante indireto poderá consultar uma notificação de infração específica.
Obtém detalhes de uma notificação de infração.
Receiving Infraction Notification
In this functionality, the indirect participant receives infraction notifications opened by the counterparty.
Notifica recebimento da notificação pelo participante contraparte.
Cancellation of Infraction Notification
This functionality is intended for the cancellation of an infraction notification report. Only the participant who created the infraction notification can cancel it.
Cancela a notificação de infração.
Close the Infraction Notification
In this functionality, the indirect participant can close an infraction report opened for them.
Updated 18 days ago