
Payment status

To follow are the payment statuses:

IniciadoPayment has been initiated, but has not yet been confirmed by the user
ConfirmadoConfirmation was successful and the payment request was sent to BACEN
EfetivadoPayment was successfully made and the amount was debited from the collateral account
RejeitadoThe payment counterparty rejected it. It may be that the counterparty is not available or even that their account is closed / frozen. In this case, the amount will not be debited from the collateral account.
ExpiradoThis occurs when the time between initiation and payment confirmation exceeds 12 hours
CanceladoPayment has been canceled by user
ErroPayment error

Receipt status

Receipt can have the following statuses:

AguardandoValidacaoAwaiting validation of receipt by indirect participant
AutorizadoReceipt authorized by indirect participant
NaoAutorizadoReceipt not authorized by indirect participant
EfetivadoSuccessful receipt
RejeitadoReceipt denied
ErroReceipt error

Refund status

A seguir os status da devolução:

1Requested - refund is being processed
2Completed - the refund was made and the debit was made to the collateral account
3Denied - the refund was not accepted by the Central Bank of Brazil
99Error - refund could not be processed because of an error

Return status

A seguir os status possíveis para a restituição:

AguardandoValidacaoTransaction awaiting validations to proceed
AutorizadaAuthorized Transaction
NaoAutorizadaUnauthorized transaction
EfetivadaTransaction successful.
RejeitadaDenied transaction
ErroTransaction error

QR CODE status

To follow are the possible statuses of a QR CODE:

AtivoQR CODE can be scanned for payments
ExpiradoQR CODE has expired and can no longer be scanned for payment
PagoQR CODE has been scanned for payment This status is only displayed for dynamic QR CODES that are due, as they can only be paid once
RemovidoPspQR CODE has been removed and will no longer be available for payment
VencidoQR CODE is overdue. If the dynamic QR CODE is still valid after the expiration date, then the dynamic QR CODE with expiration date, despite being expired, will accept receipts until expiration

Reason for Refund

To follow are the reasons to justify a refund:

BE08Refund initiated by the receiving user participant under the Special Refund Mechanism due to operational failure
FR01Refund initiated by participant due to well-founded suspicion of fraud
MD06Payment refund requested by the user
SL02Refund requested by the receiving user due to an error in the transaction or disagreement between the parties related to Pix Saque or Pix Troco

Agent modality

Below are the types of agents in which the QR CODE may have been created, in the case of Pix Saque and Pix Troco:

FacilitadorDeServicoDeSaqueWithdrawal service was facilitated through a Withdrawal Service Facilitating Agent
EstabelecimentoComercialWithdrawal service was facilitated through a Commercial Establishment Agent
OutraEspeciePJouCorrespondenteNoPaisWithdrawal service was facilitated through a Another Type of Correspondent (Legal Person) in the Country

Transaction Priority

To follow are the possible priorities for Pix:

AltaPriority settlement Used when the paying user requests immediate payment.
NormalNon-Priority settlement Used when the paying user makes a Scheduled Pix or when the settlement will require additional time for anti-fraud evaluation

Purpose of transaction

To follow are the possible transaction purposes when you begin a payment:

CompraOuTransferenciaIndicates that the Pix transaction will be intended for transfer or purchase
PixTrocoIndicates that the Pix transaction will be destined for Pix Troco
PixSaqueIndicates that the Pix transaction will be destined for Pix Saque

Type of payment

To follow are the possible types of payment:

DadosDaContaPayment initiated through account details (branch, account and bank)
ChavePixPayment initiated via Pix key
QRcodeDinamicoPayment initiated by scanning dynamic QR CODE
QRcodeEstaticoPayment initiated by scanning static QR CODE
ServicoDeIniciacaoPayment initiated via Open Finance initiation service
QRcodeGeradoPeloPagadorPayment initiated by the payer

Type of Key

To follow are the types of Pix keys and how they should look like:

EMAIL[email protected]Máximo 77 caracteres
EVP123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000Endereço Virtual de Pagamento é um tipo de chave gerada pelo DICT

Type of Initiation

A seguir os status que um recebimento pode ter:

DadosDaContaPayment initiated by manually entering account details
ChavePixPayment initiated via Pix key (manually)
QRcodeDinamicoPayment initiated by scanning dynamic QR CODE
QRcodeEstaticoPayment initiated by scanning static QR CODE
ServicoDeIniciacaoPayment initiated via payment transaction initiation service
QRcodeGeradoPeloPagadorPayment initiated by scanning QR CODE generated by the payer

Type of Priority

To follow are the possible priorities for Pix:

PrioritarioPriority payment
AnaliseAntiFraudePayment was withheld for anti-fraud analysis
AgendadoPayment has been scheduled

Type of QR CODE

Type of QR CODE

DinamicoDynamic QR CODE charge
EstaticoStatic QR CODE charge
DinamicoVencimentoDynamic QR CODE charge with due date

Type of refund

To follow are the types of QR CODE:

ParcialFull refund