Pix (Incoming) Flow

The incoming flow begins once a PACS.008 message (payment), forwarded by the SPI is sent to Banco BS2.

Credit validation by indirect participants

As a message for indirect participants, Banco BS2 will synchronously request that the participant validate the credit by calling an API developed by the indirect participants themselves.

If participants fail to respond to the request within the time limit, we will attempt to resend the notification. (Find out more on** Webhooks for indirect participants**).



We will have up to 300 ms to respond to the receipt validation request.

If the problem persists, Banco BS2 will display the error code **AB09 ** (Transaction interrupted due to an error in the receiving user's participant) to the SPI and the transaction will be completed.

If the transaction is validated, the participant must return code 200. If it is denied, please return 200, but show the reason according to the SPI domain table for receipt denials.

After going back to step IN2, Banco BS2 will create the PACS.002 (validation) message with the response received from the indirect participant and send it to the SPI.

The SPI will record the transaction in the direct participants' PI account and then notify the direct participants that the transaction has been completed.

Credit onto the participants’ collateral account

When Banco BS2 receives PACS.002 (confirmation), we will credit the amount to the indirect participant's collateral account (IN6).

Credit Notification

At this stage, the indirect participant is notified of receipt, through the registered WebHook.

Please go to Webhooks for indirect participants for orientation on how to register notifications.

Credits, integrations and notices to end customers

From this point on, it will be up to the indirect participant to make the credit, notify the end customer and, if applicable, integrate their processes.

Verification of receipt

In this functionality we allow you to view receipts.

The following fields are required:

EndToEndIdTransaction identifierstringYes, if TransactionId is not provided.
TransactionIdCode used to identify the payment.stringYes, if EndToEndId is not provided.


EndToEndIdTransaction identifierstringSim
TransactionIdCode used to identify the paymentstringSim
valorAmount receiveddoubleNão
solicitadoEmUtcDate and time payment was requested by the payerdate-timeNão
dataContabilTransaction accounting date - UTC-3date-timeSim
recebedorPix recipient details (bank, branch, account, document)objectNão
pagadorPix payer data (bank, branch, account, document)objectNão
statusReceipt status, as shown in the table Receipt statusstringNão
tipoIniciacaoType of payment initiation in this case, as shown in the table Types of initiationstringNão
motivoRejeicaoIn case of transaction rejection, this field will display the code and reason as returned in PACS.002stringNão
erroDescricaoDisplays description of the error, if an error occurred during receiptstringSim
chaveDictPix key used to pay for the Pix transactionstringSim
finalidadePurpose of transaction, as shown in the table Purpose of transactionstringSim
prioridadeTransacaoPriority of transaction, as shown in the table Priority of transactionstringNão
tipoPrioridadeTransacaoType of transaction priority, as shown in the table Type of PrioritystringNão
valorSaqueOuTrocoAmount used for Pix Saque and Pix TrocodoubleSim
ispbFacilitadorServicoSaqueOuTrocoISPB of Pix Saque and Pix Troco facilitatorSim
modalidadeAgenteType of agent modality, as shown in the table Agent ModalitystringNão
campoLivreMessage to recipientstringSim
cnpjIniciadorPagamentoCNPJ of the institution that initiated the paymentstringSim

Obter recebimento