DICT database query limitation policies
The DICT centralizes financial institutions and corresponding accounts’ Pix keys, thus facilitating interoperability and making instant payments.
When a transaction goes through the SPI (Instant Payment Systems), users can consult the key on DICT. In order to prevent reading attacks and capture of confidential information by attackers, BACEN uses the token bucket algorithm to control the access of direct and indirect participants to the DICT.
In the DICT Operational Manual (see updated documentation here), BACEN determines the number of tokens and the rules for adding and eliminating the virtual token bucket.
The features below allow indirect participants to consult the DICT access limitation policies and the current position of the buckets for each policy.
List of policies
This functionality allows indirect participants to obtain their category and the list of policies with the total number of records and updated position.
Obtém a lista de políticas de limitação de acesso ao DICT para o participante requisitante.
Check specific policy
This functionality allows indirect participants to obtain a specific policy with the total number of records and updated position.
Obtém o estado atual do balde do participante para a política informada.
Updated 4 days ago