Receipts/Proof of Payment

We provide operations for consulting and exporting PDF payment receipts.

Checking receipts/proof of payment

This functionality allows checking a proof of payment.
We request the fields:

dataInicialSearch start datedate-timeYes
dataFinalSearch end datedate-timeYes
tipoFiltroFilter type code, see table [Filter type]integerYes


comprovanteIdUnique Receipt/ Proof of payment identifierstringNo
empresaCompany dataObjectYes
EfetuadoEmDate the payment was madedate-timeYes
EfetuarEmDate on which payment will be made, in which case payment is scheduleddate-timeYes
tipoReceipt/ Proof of payment type code, see table [Type of Receipt/ Proof of payment]integerNo
protocoloPayment protocol numberstringYes
dadosTransferenciaDisplays the amount, beneficiary and bank details of the beneficiaryobjectYes
dadosPagamentoDisplays beneficiary, guarantor drawer, payer, assignor, payment issuing bank, sequence of numerical digits, due date and amounts (paid, discount, interest on arrears, deductions, additions, charges, etc.) of the bank slipobjectYes
dadosTributoDisplays data of the tax payer, final payer, due date, amounts (paid, interest, etc.)objectYes
dadosPagamentoPixDisplays beneficiary data (name, CPF/CNPJ and bank details), amount, fee amount, key and endToEndIdobjetcYes

Consultar comprovantes

Generating a PDF receipt

This functionality allows generating proof of payment in PDF format.
We request the fields:

comprovanteIdReceipt/ Proof of payment identifierstringSim
TipoComprovanteReceipt/ Proof of payment type code, see table [Type of Receipt/ Proof of payment]integerSim

E como resultado é efetuado o download do PDF.

Gerar comprovante em PDF.

Filter type

In the table below, we list the types of filters:

3Transfer Scheduling
4Payment Scheduling

Receipt type

In the following table, the types of receipts/Proof of payment are listed:

3Tax Payment
4Transfer Scheduling
5Payment Scheduling
6Tax Payment Scheduling
7Pix Payment