Claiming Portability and Ownership
Portability of keys
PIX key portability allows users to transfer a PIX key from one financial institution to another, and continue using the same key to receive instant payments. This offers users the flexibility to change banks or institutions without losing access to PIX payment services associated with the specific key.
The keys that can be subject to portability are: CPF, CNPJ, PHONE and E-MAIL.
Claiming ownership
Claiming ownership allows a user to claim a key under the ownership of another CPF/CNPJ, to their ownership. This will allow users to take control and access the PIX payment services associated with the key assumed in their ownership.
The keys that can be subject to ownership are: PHONE and E-MAIL.
The random key is not subject to ownership or portability, as it is linked to a transactional account at the financial institution where it was registered.
The features below allow users to process ownership claims and request key portability:
Request portability or ownership claim
This functionality allows indirect participants to request portability or claim ownership of a key.
List of claims
This functionality allows indirect participants to retrieve the list of ownership and/or portability claims in which they are a counterparty.
Check a claim
This functionality allows users to get the details of a specific ownership and/or portability request.
Obtém detalhes de uma reivindicação.
Receiving Claims
In this functionality, open claims (OPEN) sent by the key-donor PSP will be notified to the claiming PSP.
Notifica recebimento pelo participante doador de reivindicação com status OPEN.
Confirming claim
This functionality will confirm the portability operation, thus confirming the transfer of the Pix key to the claiming PSP.
Confirma a operação de reivindicação.
Cancelation of claims
This functionality allows users to cancel an ownership claim or a portability request.
The PSP key donor may cancel the request whenever a) they suspect of a fraud; b) in the event of a user request; or c) if the deadline for validating the claim has expired.
The PSP key claimer may cancel the request whenever a) they suspect of a fraud; b) in the event of a user request; or c) if the account is closed.
Completion of claim
Completing the ownership or portability claim consists of confirming the link of the key to the claiming PSP.
Updated 16 days ago