DICT - Transactional Account Identifiers Directory
One of the pillars of Pix, aimed at expediting payment processes, DICT is a database that stores the keys that will identify the transactional accounts of receiving users, thus simplifying the entire process. By analogy, a DICT key is something like a nickname for a specific checking account of a bank customer.
There are four types of keys:
- Cell Phone;
- Email address;
- Document (CPF or CNPJ);
- Random key.
General Rules about keys:
- There is no limit on DICT keys per customer. A customer can have active accounts in N institutions, and can have keys registered in all of them, but complying with the following conditions:
- If you are an individual, have a maximum of 5 (five) different keys for the same account;
- If you are a legal person, have a maximum of 20 (twenty) different keys for the same account;
- A single key will not be used for two different accounts at the same time;
- There are procedures for claiming ownership and requesting portability. In this sense, a key can be, at any time and according to the account holder's wishes, unlinked from one account and linked to another. See specific topic on portability and ownership in Claiming Portability and Ownership.
Below we list the features that will allow you to manage keys in the DICT:
Creating a Pix key
This functionality allows you to create a Pix key in the indirect participant's DICT.
Cria um novo vínculo de chave com uma conta transacional.
Deleting keys
This functionality allows you to delete a Pix key in the indirect participant's DICT.
Remove um vínculo de chave com conta.
Checking keys
This functionality shows the transactional account details associated with a key in the DICT BACEN.
Obtém um vínculo contendo os detalhes de conta transacional associados a uma chave de endereçamento.
You must pay attention to the request limitation policy.
Changing keys
This feature allows you to change the name, corporate name and/or account associated with the Pix key.
The Random Key type can only be changed in the key reconciliation or participant agency change processes.
For other types of keys, in addition to the aforementioned reasons, users can also change they key.
Updated about 1 month ago