Discount Ranges
Functionality that allows the customer to offer the drawee discounts for payments effected before the due date of the payment slip.
The following fields are requested:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
seuNumero | Field to define a payment slip number of the customer's choice; accepts only numbers and letters. | String | No |
cliente | Details of the payment slip payer. It is possible to enter clientId, telephone, e-mail, type, document, full address, etc. | Object | Yes |
sacadorAvalista | Details of the natural person or legal entity who will receive the amount paid via the payment slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address) | Object | No |
vencimento | Payment slip expiration date, which must be more than or equal to the current date. | String (date-time) | Yes |
valor | Amount of original charge | Number | Yes |
canal | Should the payment slip have a final beneficiary, provide information in this field | String | No |
multa | Fine that will be applied to the payment slip. Please inform the following: amount, date from which the fine will be charged and percentage. | Object | No |
desconto | Discount ranges | Object | No |
desconto.tipo | 0-Isento, 1-ValorFixoAteDataInformada, 2-ValorPercentualAteDataInformada | Integer | No |
faixas | List of discount ranges used to grant different discounts according to the payment slip's payment date. Only up to 3 ranges can be entered. | Object | No |
mensagem | Payment slip instruction message | Object | No |
aceite | Field to define acceptance of payment slip for cases of protest of instrument | Boolean | No |
especie | Type of Payment Slip | String | No |
dataLimitePagamento | Deadline for payment | String | No |
carteira | Portfolio data. Details informed: description and code. This refers to the portfolio to which the client pertains | Integer | No |
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
seuNumero | Field to define a payment slip number of the customer's choice; accepts only numbers and letters. | String | Yes |
clienteId | Client code. | String | Yes |
sacadorAvalista | Details of the natural person or legal entity who will receive the amount paid via the payment slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address) | Object | No |
vencimento | Payment slip expiration date, which must be more than or equal to the current date | String (date-time) | Yes |
valor | Payment slip amount; must be greater than ZERO | Number | Yes |
canal | Name to identify the Beneficiary | String | No |
multa | Fine that will be applied to the payment slip. Please inform the following: amount, date from which the fine will be charged and percentage. | Object | No |
desconto | Discount ranges | Object | No |
desconto.tipo | 0-Isento, 1-ValorFixoAteDataInformada, 2-ValorPercentualAteDataInformada | Integer | No |
faixas | List of discount ranges used to grant different discounts according to the payment slip's payment date. Only up to 3 ranges can be entered. | Object | No |
mensagem | Payment slip instruction message | Object | No |
aceite | Field to define acceptance of payment slip for cases of protest of instrument | Boolean | No |
especie | Type of Payment Slip | String | No |
id | Payment slip code. | String | No |
sacado | The person who pays the payment slip; usually a client. | Object | No |
status | Payment slip status. | Integer | No |
nossoNumero | Our number for the payment slip | Integer | No |
codigoDeBarra | Payment slip barcode | String | No |
linhaDigitavel | Payment slip digit line | String | No |
beneficiarioFinal | Owner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited with the collection amounts (company name, trade name and CPF/CNPJ) | Object | No |
Updated 16 days ago