Discount Ranges

Functionality that allows the customer to offer the drawee discounts for payments effected before the due date of the payment slip.

The following fields are requested:

seuNumeroField to define a payment slip number of the customer's choice; accepts only numbers and letters.StringNo
clienteDetails of the payment slip payer. It is possible to enter clientId, telephone, e-mail, type, document, full address, etc.ObjectYes
sacadorAvalistaDetails of the natural person or legal entity who will receive the amount paid via the payment slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address)ObjectNo
vencimentoPayment slip expiration date, which must be more than or equal to the current date.String (date-time)Yes
valorAmount of original chargeNumberYes
canalShould the payment slip have a final beneficiary, provide information in this fieldStringNo
multaFine that will be applied to the payment slip. Please inform the following: amount, date from which the fine will be charged and percentage.ObjectNo
descontoDiscount rangesObjectNo
desconto.tipo0-Isento, 1-ValorFixoAteDataInformada, 2-ValorPercentualAteDataInformadaIntegerNo
faixasList of discount ranges used to grant different discounts according to the payment slip's payment date. Only up to 3 ranges can be entered.ObjectNo
mensagemPayment slip instruction messageObjectNo
aceiteField to define acceptance of payment slip for cases of protest of instrumentBooleanNo
especieType of Payment SlipStringNo
dataLimitePagamentoDeadline for paymentStringNo
carteiraPortfolio data. Details informed: description and code. This refers to the portfolio to which the client pertainsIntegerNo


seuNumeroField to define a payment slip number of the customer's choice; accepts only numbers and letters.StringYes
clienteIdClient code.StringYes
sacadorAvalistaDetails of the natural person or legal entity who will receive the amount paid via the payment slip (CPF/CNPJ, name, address)ObjectNo
vencimentoPayment slip expiration date, which must be more than or equal to the current dateString (date-time)Yes
valorPayment slip amount; must be greater than ZERONumberYes
canalName to identify the BeneficiaryStringNo
multaFine that will be applied to the payment slip. Please inform the following: amount, date from which the fine will be charged and percentage.ObjectNo
descontoDiscount rangesObjectNo
desconto.tipo0-Isento, 1-ValorFixoAteDataInformada, 2-ValorPercentualAteDataInformadaIntegerNo
faixasList of discount ranges used to grant different discounts according to the payment slip's payment date. Only up to 3 ranges can be entered.ObjectNo
mensagemPayment slip instruction messageObjectNo
aceiteField to define acceptance of payment slip for cases of protest of instrumentBooleanNo
especieType of Payment SlipStringNo
idPayment slip code.StringNo
sacadoThe person who pays the payment slip; usually a client.ObjectNo
statusPayment slip status.IntegerNo
nossoNumeroOur number for the payment slipIntegerNo
codigoDeBarraPayment slip barcodeStringNo
linhaDigitavelPayment slip digit lineStringNo
beneficiarioFinalOwner of the product and/or service offered and who will be credited with the collection amounts (company name, trade name and CPF/CNPJ)ObjectNo

Emissão de boleto com faixas de desconto