Frequently Asked Questions
We have listed some frequently asked questions, the answers to which are below and can help you:
What types of documents are accepted for companies and partners?
For companies, the document is accepted according to its nature.
- Articles of association updated and registered with the Board of Trade;
- SA:
- Bylaws updated and registered with the Board of Trade;
- Minutes of the election of the current board of executive officers (directors) and registered with the Board of Trade;
- Share subscription bulletin;
- Cooperatives:
- Bylaws updated and registered with the Board of Trade;
- Minutes of the election of the current board of executive officers (directors) and registered with the Board of Trade;
- List of associates/cooperative members containing full name and CPF for identify the final beneficiaries;
- Consortium:
- Document of incorporation of the consortium registered with the Board of Trade;
- Other legal entities (ME, law firm, etc.):
- Last amendment of the company's incorporation document registered with the Board of Trade;
For legal entity (PJ) partners, the following documents are accepted:
- Partner PJ LTDA:
- Articles of association of the PJ partner;
- Privately-held SA Partner PJ:
- Updated bylaws;
- Minutes of the election of the current board of executive officers (directors);
- Share subscription bulletin;
- Publicly-held SA Partner PJ:
- Updated bylaws;
- Minutes of the election of the current board of executive officers (directors);
- Partner PJ Investment Fund:
- Document indicating which are the administrators/legal representatives who manage the fund
For individual (PF) members, the following documents are accepted:
- RG;
- CNH;
- RNE.
During development, how to upload file via Postman?
The data will be informed in the form-data. When sending a company document, enter the company's CNPJ number in the Key and import the file you want in the Value field.
If they are partner documents, inform the CPF in the (Key) and, in the Value field, import the file you want.
Below is an example:

Updated about 1 month ago