Returns - Incoming Flow

The incoming flow for returns is similar to the incoming flow involving Pix transactions, and begins once a PACS.004 message (payment), forwarded by the SPI is sent to Banco BS2.

As a message is intended for indirect participants, Banco BS2 will synchronously request that the participant validate the credit through an API task developed by the indirect participants themselves.

If participants fail to respond to the request within the time limit, we will attempt to resend the notification. (Find out more on Webhooks for indirect participants).



We will have up to 300 ms to respond to the return validation request.

If the problem persists, Banco BS2 will display the error code AB09 (Transaction interrupted due to an error in the receiving user's participant) to the SPI and the return will not be made.

If the transaction is validated, participants must present return code 200 and, if the transaction was denied, also return code 200, but specifying the reason according to the SPI domain table for return denials.

After going back to step RES2, Banco BS2 will create the PACS.002 (validation) message with the response received from the indirect participant and send it to the SPI.

The SPI will record the transaction in the direct participants' PI account and then notify the direct participants that the transaction has been completed.

When Banco BS2 receives PACS.002 (confirmation), we will credit the amount to the indirect participant's collateral account, and we will notify them through the registered WebHook (Find out more on Notification settings).

From this point on, it will be up to indirect participants to make the credit, notify the end customer and, if applicable, integrate their processes.

Viewing returns

This feature allows you to search for a specific list or return.

List of Returns

In this functionality, you can get a list of returns linked to a Pix transaction.

The following fields are required:

endToEndIdIdentifier of the payment that originated the returnstringSim


returnIdReturn identifierstringSim
endToEndIdIdentifier of the payment that originated the returnstringSim
valorAmount to be returneddoubleSim
statusStatus of return, as shown in the table Status of returnstringSim
solicitadoEmUtcDate and time the return was requesteddate-timeSim
liquidadoEmUtcDate and time the return was completeddate-timeSim
dataContabilAccounting date for returndate-timeSim
codigoDevolucaoReason for refund code that will be sent in PACS004, as shown in the table Reasons for refundstringSim
tipoDevolucaoType of refund, as shown in the table Type of refundstringSim
prioridadeTransacaoType of transaction priority, as shown in the table Type of PrioritystringSim
motivoMessage to recipientstringSim
motivoRejeicaoCode and description of the reason the transaction that was informed by BACEN in PACS002 was deniedobjectSim
erroDescricaoDescription of the return errorstringSim
erroEmUtcDate and time the error occurreddate-timeSim
webhooksInformation regarding notifications sent to the indirect refund participantarray <object>Sim

Listar restituições

Viewing returns

This functionality allows you to view a specific return.

The following fields are required:

endToEndIdIdentifier of the payment that originated the returnstringSim
returnIdReturn transaction identifierstringSim


returnIdReturn identifierstringSim
endToEndIdIdentifier of the payment that originated the returnstringSim
valorAmount to be returneddoubleSim
statusStatus of return, as shown in the table Status of returnstringSim
solicitadoEmUtcDate and time the return was requesteddate-timeSim
liquidadoEmUtcSettlement date for returndate-timeSim
dataContabilAccounting date for returndate-timeSim
codigoDevolucaoReason for refund code that will be sent in PACS004, as shown in the table Reasons for refundstringSim
tipoDevolucaoType of refund, as shown in the table Type of refundstringSim
prioridadeTransacaoPriority of transaction, as shown in the table Priority of transactionstringSim
motivoMessage to recipientstringSim
motivoRejeicaoCode and description of the reason the transaction that was informed by BACEN in PACS002 was deniedobjectSim
erroDescricaoDescription of return errorstringSim
erroEmUtcDate and time of occurrencedate-timeSim
webhooksInformation regarding notifications sent to the indirect refund participantarray <object>Sim

Obter restituição