Procedure for Bank slip write-off

We allow creating and following up a bank slip write-off request.



After issuing the bank slip, the write-off can be made by the client within 90 days after the bank slip due date. Once this period has passed, the write-off is carried out automatically by the CIP (Interbank Payments Chamber).

Request a bank slip write-off using our number

This functionality allows requesting the write-off of the bank slip, which will be identified by the Our Number field - NossoNumero.

We request the fields:

nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerSim
justificativaJustification that supports the request to cancel the bank slipstringNão


solicitacaoIdCancellation request code generatedstringSim
nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerSim
statusRequest status code, see table [Request status]integerNão
justificativaInformed justification for canceling the bank slipstringSim

Solicitar o cancelamento do boleto pelo campo nosso número

Obtain details of the bank slip write-off request using our bank slip number and request code

To check the status of the bank slip cancellation request using Our Number (NossoNumero) field).

We request the fields:

nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerSIm
solicitacaoIdCancellation request code generatedstringNão


solicitacaoIdGenerated cancellation request codestringSim
nossoNumeroOur bank slip numberintegerSim
statusRequest status code, see table [Request status]integerNão

Obter detalhe da solicitação de cancelamento do boleto pelo nosso número do boleto e código da solicitação

Request the bank slip write-off using the identification code

To request cancellation of the bank slip using the bank slip identification code (BoletoID).

We request the fields:

boletoIdBank slip identification codestringSim
justificativaJustification that supports the request to cancel the bank slipstringNão


solicitacaoIdCancellation request code generatedstringSim
boletoIdBank slip identification codestringSim
statusRequest status code, see table [Request status]integerNão
justificativaJustification that supports the request to cancel the bank slipstringSim

Solicitar o cancelamento do boleto pelo código identificador

Obtains details of the bank slip write-off request using the bank slip identification code and the request code

To check the status of the bank slip cancellation request using the bank slip identification (field BoletoID).]

We request the fields:

boletoIdBank slip identification codestringSim
solicitacaoIdCancellation request code generatedstringSim


solicitacaoIdCancellation request code generatedstringSim
boletoIdBank slip identification codestringSim
statusRequest status code, see table [Request status]integerNão

Obter detalhe da solicitação de cancelamento do boleto pelo código identificador do boleto e o código da solicitação

Request status

Request a bank slip write-off may return the following status:
