QR Code
The QR CODE is a two-dimensional code that allows the payer to initiate a payment. In this session, we provide functionalities that enable the generation of QR CODES based on a collection.
QR CODE - Static - Create
This functionality allows generating static QR CODES. This collection can be paid more than once and does not expire.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
chave | Type of QR CODE, which can be: Static or Dynamic | string | Yes |
valor | Collection transaction identifier | number <double> | Yes |
campoLivre | QR CODE status | string | No |
txId | Transaction identifier | date-time | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
txId | Transaction identifier | string | Yes |
qrCode | Code of the QR CODE with collection information | integer | No |
dataCriacao | QR CODE creation date | string | No |
QR CODE - Dynamic - Create
This functionality allows generating dynamic QR Codes. This collection can only be paid once.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Transaction identifier | date-time | Yes |
cobranca | Collection data (expiration, amount, Pix key, debtor data, payer information) | string | Yes |
validaPagador | If marked as 'True', the system will validate whether the payer's CPF/CNPJ corresponds to the CPF/CNPJ entered when creating the collection. | boolean | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
calendario | Displays the collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
status | Displays the collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
txId | Collection transaction identifier | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment. | integer | No |
location | Payload location | string | Yes |
qrCode | Code of the QR CODE with collection information | integer | No |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key for generating the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
QR CODE - Dynamic with Expiration - Create
This functionality allows generating dynamic QR CODES for payment at a future date, and in addition to the collection amount, it is also possible to configure interest, fines and discounts. This collection can only be paid once and expires once paid.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Transaction identifier | date-time | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
txId | Collection transaction identifier | string | Yes |
calendario | Displays the collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
devedor | Data of the individual or legal entity to whom the collection will be addressed | object | No |
loc | Displays the identifier of the payload location (identifier, location, type of collection ("COB" or "COBV") and date/time of creation) | object | No |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key for generating the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Qr Code - Dinâmico com Vencimento - Criar
QR CODE - Check
This functionality allows checking the QR CODES of the generated static and dynamic types, showing their status.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
Tipo | Type of QR CODE, which can be: Static or Dynamic | string | Yes |
TxId | Collection transaction identifier | string | No |
Status | QR CODE status | string | Yes |
Inicio | Start of desired search period | date-time | Yes |
Fim | End of desired search period | date-time | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
qrCodeId | QR CODE identifier | integer | No |
tipo | Type of QR CODE, which can be: Static or Dynamic | string | No |
txId | Collection transaction identifier | string | Yes |
dataCriacao | QR CODE creation date | date-time | No |
dataValidade | QR CODE expiration date | date-time | No |
valor | QR CODE amount | number <double> | No |
status | Collection status, see table [Collection status] | string | No |
campoLivre | Field entered by the payer at the time of payment | string | Yes |
chave | Pix key used to generate the QR CODE | object | No |
link | Link for internal use of Banco BS2 | string | Yes |
recebedor | Receiver details (bank details, name, business name and document) | object | Yes |
qrCode | QR CODE 'Copy & Paste' code | string | Yes |
valorRecebimento | Amount received through QR CODE | number <double> | No |
quantidadePagamento | Number of QR CODE receipts | object | No |
QR CODE - Disable
This functionality allows canceling a generated QR CODE. When you disable it, it will no longer be able to be paid.
We request the field:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
qrCodeId | QR CODE identifier | date-time | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
statusCode | QR CODE status | string | Yes |
QR CODE - Dynamic with Expiration - Change
This functionality allows changing the settings of dynamic QR CODE with expiration as long as it has not been paid.
We request the fields:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
txId | Transaction identifier | date-time | Yes |
calendario | Displays the collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
pagador | Displays Pix payer data (bank, branch, account, document) | object | Yes |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | PIX key for generating the collection | string | Yes |
solicitacao | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | No |
idLocation | Payload location identifier | string | No |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
txId | Collection transaction identifier | string | Yes |
revisao | Denotes the collection review, starting at zero and varying in increments of 1. The increment in a collection must occur whenever an object of the collection in question is changed. The loc field is an exception to this rule. If in a given change to a collection, the only field changed is the loc field, then there is no increment. | integer | No |
loc | Displays the identifier of the payload location (identifier, location, type of collection ("COB" or "COBV") and date/time of creation) | object | No |
qrCode | Code of the QR CODE with collection information | integer | No |
status | Displays the collection status, see table [Collection Status] | string | No |
QR Code - Dinâmico com Vencimento - Alterar.
QR CODE - Dynamic - Change
This functionality allows changing the configurations of a dynamic QR CODE without expiration, as long as it has not been paid.
We request the field:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
qrCodeId | QR CODE identifier | date-time | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullablle |
calendario | Collection creation date, due date and validity date after expiration (if provided) | object | No |
documento | Payer's CPF/CNPJ | object | Yes |
pagador | Displays Pix payer data (bank, branch, account, document) | object | Yes |
valor | Collection amounts are: original amount, interest, fine, price reduction and discount | object | No |
chave | Pix key for generating the collection | string | Yes |
identificadorTransacao | Collection transaction identifier | string | Yes |
solicitacao | Message intended for the payer (limited to 140 characters) | string | Yes |
infoAdicionais | Each respective additional information contained in the list (name and amount) must be presented to the payer | Array | Yes |
Collection status
The table below shows the collection status:
Field | Description |
ATIVA | The QR CODE is able for payment |
CONCLUIDA | The QR CODE was paid |
REMOVIDA_PELO_USUARIO_RECEBEDOR | The QR CODE was canceled by the user |
REMOVIDA_PELO_PSP | The QR CODE was removed by Banco BS2 |
Updated 3 days ago