Generating QR CODEs
As a great facilitator of receipt of funds via PIX, we will show you the types of QR CODEs that can be generated and made available by indirect participants for use by their customers. Furthermore, we enable indirect participants’ management of QR CODES by listing, changing and disabling QR CODEs.
Generation of static QR CODEs
This functionality allows indirect participants to generate static QR CODES that can be paid once or multiple times. Additionally, this charge does not expire.
The following fields are required:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
valor | Billing Amount | double | Yes |
campoLivre | Message intended for the payer (limit 140 characters) | string | No |
reutilizavel | Indicates the possibility of the QR CODE receiving more than one payment. Default true | boolean | No |
transactionId | Billing transaction identifier If not informed, it will be generated by Banco BS2. | string | Yes |
chave | Pix key and key type for generating the QR CODE | object | Yes |
recebedor | Recipient details (document, bank details, address, etc.) | object | Yes |
retirada | Information for Pix Saque QR CODE (ISPB, change modality, agent modality and purpose) | object | No |
chaveIdempotencia | Field that guarantees idempotence for participants to process the billing request. This allows participants to guarantee that they will not create two records in their environment for the same request. | string | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | Charge identifier | string | No |
transactionId | Billing transaction identifier | string | Yes |
status | QR CODE status, as per QR CODE Status | string | No |
dataCriacao | Date and Time of QR CODE creation | date-time | No |
tipo | Type of QR CODE, as per Type of QR CODE | string | No |
qrCode | QR CODE’s copy and paste code | string | Yes |
campoLivre | Message to payer | string | Yes |
chave | Pix key used for creating QR CODE | object | No |
valor | QR CODE Amount | double | Yes |
retirada | Information for Pix Saque QR CODE (ISPB, change modality, agent modality and purpose) | object | No |
Generation of dynamic QR CODEs
This functionality allows indirect participants to generate dynamic QR Codes. This charge can be paid only once.
The following fields are required:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
recebedor | Billing recipient details (name, document, bank details, address, etc.) | object | Yes |
cobranca | Billing details (amount, type of change, debtor data, Pix key, etc.) | object | Yes |
retirada | Information for Pix Saque and Pix Troco QR CODE (ISPB, change modality, agent modality and purpose) | object | No |
chaveIdempotencia | This field guarantees idempotency for indirect participants to guarantee that they will not create two records in their environment for the same billing request. | string | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | QR CODE identifier | string | No |
status | QR CODE status, as per QR CODE Status | string | No |
revisao | This implies billing review, starting at zero and increasing by 1 each time. A bill must be increased whenever an object of the charge in question is changed. | int64 | No |
dataCriacao | QR-CODE creation date: | date-time | No |
qrCode | QR CODE’s 'copy and paste' code | string | Yes |
valor | QR CODE Amount | double | Yes |
location | URL data that returns updated billing data (identifier, link, type and date of creation) | object | Yes |
cobranca | Billing details (amount, type of change, debtor data, Pix key, etc.) | object | Yes |
retirada | Information for Pix Saque and Pix Troco QR CODE (ISPB, change modality, agent modality and purpose) | string | No |
Generation of dynamic QR CODEs with due date
This functionality allows you to generate dynamic QR CODEs for payment at a future date, and in addition to the billing amount, you can also configure interest, fines and discounts. This charge can be paid only once and expires after the due date.
The following fields are required:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
recebedor | Billing recipient details (name, document, bank details, address, etc.) | string | No |
cobranca | Billing details (amount, type of change, debtor data, Pix key, etc.) | object | Yes |
chaveIdempotencia | This field guarantees idempotency for indirect participants to guarantee that they will not create two records in their environment for the same billing request. | string | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | QR CODE identifier | string | No |
transactionId | Billing transaction identifier | string | Yes |
status | QR CODE status, as per QR CODE Status | string | No |
revisao | This implies billing review, starting at zero and increasing by 1 each time. A bill must be increased whenever an object of the charge in question is changed. | int64 | Yes |
dataCriacao | QR-CODE creation date | date-time | Yes |
qrCode | QR CODE’s 'copy and paste' code | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message to payer | string | Yes |
chave | Pix key used for creating QR CODE | object | Yes |
devedor | Debtor details (name, document, address, etc.) | object | Yes |
calendario | Expiration date and validity after the QR CODE expires | object | Yes |
informacoesAdicionais | Additional information on the charge | array of objects | Yes |
valor | This defines the amount of QR CODE charges due (original amount, interest, fine, discount and deduction) | object | Yes |
location | URL data that returns updated billing data (identifier, link, type and date of creation) | object | Yes |
Criar Qr Code Dinâmico com Vencimento
List of QR CODES
This functionality allows you to obtain a list of QR CODEs based on the parameters entered.
The following fields are required:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
DataInicio | Starting date of the search period | date-time | Yes |
DataFim | End date of the search period | date-time | Yes |
TransactionId | Billing transaction identifier | string | No |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | QR CODE identifier | string | No |
tipo | Type of QR CODE, as shown in the table Types of QR CODEs | string | Yes |
transactionId | Billing identifier | string | Yes |
criadoEmUtc | QR-CODE creation date | date-time | No |
valor | Billing Amount | double | Yes |
status | QR CODE status, as per QR CODE Status | string | Yes |
campoLivre | Message to recipient | string | Yes |
qrCode | QR CODE’s copy and paste code | String | Yes |
chave | Pix key and key type used for generating the QR CODE | object | No |
recebedor | Billing recipient details (name, document, bank details, address, etc.) | object | Yes |
Alteration of dynamic QR CODEs with due date
This functionality allows you to change some information in dynamic QR CODEs.
The following fields are required:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
transactionId | Identificador da transação da cobrança | string | Yes |
cobranca | Dados da cobrança (valor, modalidade de alteração, dados do devedor, chave Pix, etc.) | object | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | QR CODE identifier | string | No |
transactionId | Billing transaction identifier | string | Yes |
status | QR CODE status, as per QR CODE Status | string | No |
revisao | This implies billing review, starting at zero and increasing by 1 each time. A bill must be increased whenever an object of the charge in question is changed. | int64 | No |
dataCriacao | QR-CODE creation date | date-time | No |
qrCode | QR CODE’s 'copy and paste' code | string | Yes |
solicitacaoPagador | Message to payer | string | Yes |
chave | Pix key and key type used for generating the QR CODE | object | No |
devedor | Debtor details (name, document, address, etc.) | object | Yes |
calendario | Expiration date and validity of QR CODE after expiration | object | Yes |
informacoesAdicionais | Additional information on the charge | array of objects | Yes |
valor | Amount of QR CODE charges due (original amount, interest, fine, discount and deduction) | object | No |
location | URL data that returns updated billing data (identifier, link, type and date of creation) | object | Yes |
Alterar informações de um Qr Code com vencimento
Alteration of immediate dynamic QR CODEs
This functionality allows you to change some information in immediate dynamic QR CODEs.
The following fields are required:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
qrCodeId | QR CODE identifier | object | Yes |
cobranca | Billing details (amount, type of change, debtor data, Pix key, etc.) | object | Yes |
Field | Description | Format | Nullable |
id | QR CODE identifier | string | Não |
status | QR CODE status, as per QR CODE Status | string | Yes |
revisao | This implies billing review, starting at zero and increasing by 1 each time. A bill must be increased whenever an object of the charge in question is changed. | int | No |
dataCriacao | QR-CODE creation date | date-time | No |
valor | QR CODE Amount | double | Yes |
location | URL data that returns updated billing data (identifier, link, type and date of creation) | object | Yes |
cobranca | Billing details (amount, type of change, debtor data, Pix key, etc.) | object | Yes |
Alterar informações de um Qr Code
Disabling QR CODEs
This functionality allows you to disable a QR CODE, which can be static or dynamic.
The following fields are required:
Field | Description | Format | Mandatory |
qrCodeId | QR CODE identifier | string | Sim |
Response: HTTP 200 success.
Updated 4 days ago