Configuration of notifications

Route registration

Indirect participants who wish to receive notifications in accordance with the implemented contract, will need to register their routes.

The following fields are required:

urlURL that will receive notificationsString: HTTP route that will accept POSTYes
eventoEvent that will be accepted in the route, as shown in the table Notified eventsstringYes
autenticacaoForm of authentication used by Banco BS2 on the registered route, which can be: Basic, Bearer or NoneobjectYes


idNotification configuration identifierstringNo
urlURL that will receive notificationsstringNo
eventoEvent that will be accepted in the route, as per the table Notified eventsstringNo
autenticacaoForm of authentication used by Banco BS2 on the registered route, which can be: Basic, Bearer or NoneobjectNo

Permite cadastrar configurações de rotas para recebimento de webhooks de pagamento, recebimento, devolução e restituição.

List of routes

When using this functionality, we will return a list of all route configurations for receiving notifications to the indirect participant.

In response, indirect participants will obtain a list with the following object:

idNotification configuration identifierstringNo
urlURL that will receive notificationsstringNo
eventoEvent that will be accepted in the route, as shown in the table Notified eventsstringNo
autenticacaoForm of authentication used by Banco BS2 on the registered route, which canBasic, Bearer or NoneobjectNo

Permite listar as configurações de rotas para recebimento de webhooks.

Route alterations

This functionality allows indirect participants to change the settings of a registered route.

The following fields are required:

configuracaoIdRoute configuration identifierstringYes
urlURL that will receive notificationsstringYes
autenticacaoForm of authentication used by Banco BS2 on the registered route, which canBasic, Bearer or NoneobjectYes


idNotification configuration identifierstringNo
urlURL that will receive notificationsstringNo
eventoEvent that will be accepted in the route, as shown in the table Notified eventsstringNo
autenticacaoForm of authentication used by Banco BS2 on the registered route, which canBasic, Bearer or NoneobjectNo

Permite alterar uma configuração de rota para recebimento de webhooks.

Deleting routes

This functionality allows participants to delete the settings of a registered route.

The following fields are required:

configuracaoIdRoute configuration identifierstringYes

We will return HTTP 204 response to confirm route deletion.

Permite excluir uma configuração de webhook.

Including a X.509 certificate

This functionality allows indirect participants to inform the certificate that will be used for authentication at the gateway.

The following fields are required:

certificadoSend the encoded X.509 certificate of your webhook route (*.crt file)stringYes

We will return HTTP 204 response to confirm route inclusion.

Permite incluir um certificado X.509

Notified events

Below is a description of the events notified to indirect participants:

RecebimentoFinalizadoParticipants will be notified when the receipt flow is completed successfully or not.
DevolucaoFinalizadaParticipants will be notified when the refund flow is completed successfully (or not).
PagamentoFinalizadoParticipants will be notified when the payment flow is completed successfully or not.
RestituicaoFinalizadaParticipants will be notified when the return flow is completed successfully (or not).
ValidacaoRecebimentoA notification will be sent when a receipt is sent to the indirect participant through the Central Bank's primary message traffic channel.
ValidacaoRestituicaoA notification will be sent when a return is sent to the indirect participants.
ValidacaoRecebimentoCanalSecundarioA notification will be sent when a receipt is sent to the indirect participant through the Central Bank's secondary message traffic channel.